Università della Calabria
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Pubblicata Giovedì 05 Settembre 2024 15:02

Progetti di ricerca e convenzioni 2020-2022

  • PRIN Cofin 2002: “Control of the hydrological, delivery and transformation phenomena of pollutants generated in urban areas in order the protection of the receiving water” [“Controllo dei fenomeni idrologici e di trasporto e trasformazione degli inquinanti generati nelle aree urbanizzate ai fini della tutela dei corpi idrici superficiali”] (O.U. of the University of Calabria – Project leader: Prof. P. Piro) (24 months)
  • PRIN Cofin 2005: “Standardization of the design of hydraulic structures present in urban drainage networks” [“Standardizzazione della progettazione dei manufatti idraulici presenti nelle reti di drenaggio urbano”] (O.U. of the University of Calabria – Project leader: Prof. P. Piro) (24 months)
  • Scientific Responsible of the National Project “Bussola: orientamento, formazione, ricerca e innovazione quali leve per accrescere l’occupazione” Avviso n. 2269/2005 PON “Ricerca scientifica, sviluppo tecnologico, alta formazione” 2000-2006 per le regioni ob. 1
  • POR Calabria 2000-2006: “Environmental flow and issues of hydrogeology in the relevance of the plan water conservancy” [“Deflusso Minimo Vitale (DMV) e temi di idrogeologia in attinenza con il piano di tutela delle acque”] (Project leader: Prof. P. Piro – University of Calabria) (8 months)
  • Scientific Responsible between Department of “Difesa del Suolo” of the University of Calabria and Calabria region (Italy) of the agreement called “Deflusso Minimo Vitale (DMV) e temi di idrogeologia in attinenza con il piano di tutela delle acque” POR Calabria 2000-2006 (agosto 2009 – maggio 2010).
  • Scientific Responsible between Department of “Difesa del Suolo” of the University of Calabria and Ente Parco Nazionale della Sila (Italy) of the agreement called “”Fluvial Functional Index (FFI): a tool to requalify river environment – experimental study” (2009). 
  • Scientific Responsible between Department of “Difesa del Suolo” of the University of Calabria and Natural regional reserve Lago di Tarsia-Foce del Crati – Regione Calabria of the agreement called “Individuazione di alcuni indicatori di Qualità del Clima nelle aree di pertinenza delle Riserve Naturali del Lago di Tarsia e della Foce del fiume Crati: indagine preliminare” (2010) 
  • PON ‘Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013’: PON01_02543 “Integrated and sustainable management service for the water – energy cycle in urban drainage systems” [“Servizio di gestione integrata e sostenibile del ciclo acqua – energia nei sistemi di drenaggio urbano”] (Project leader: Prof. P. Piro – University of Calabria) (36 months)
  • Scientific Responsible between Department of Civil Engineering – University of Calabria – and Rossano (CS) Municipality of the agreement called “Revision of Civil Protection Plan” (2016).
  • Scientific Responsible between Department of Civil Engineering – University of Calabria – and Rossano (CS) Municipality of the agreement called “Hydraulic study of storm water in Rossano Municipality (CS) (2015)
  • Scientific Responsible between Department of “Civil Engineering – University of Calabria – and Ente Parco Nazionale della Sila Provincia (Italy) of the agreement called “Quality Morfological Index (IQM): experimental cases on Garga and Lese rivers” (2017).
  • PON ‘Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013’ – PONa3_00370 “MaTeRiA – Materials, Technology and Advanced Research” [“MaTeRiA – Materiali, Tecnologie e Ricerca Avanzata”] (Project leader: Prof. M. Ghedini – University of Calabria) (36 months)
  • PON ‘Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013’ – PON04a2_E “Smart Energy Master for the energy government of the territory – SINERGREEN- RES NOVAE” [“Smart Energy Master per il governo energetico del territorio – SINERGREEN – RES NOVAE”] (Project leader: Ing. Mauro Annunziato – ENEA) (31 months)
  • PON ‘Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013’ – PON01_01366 “New process with low environmental impact and reduced operational risk for the recovery and recycling of the materials used in lead-acid batteries” [“Nuovo processo a basso impatto ambientale ed a ridotto rischio operativo per il recupero ed il riciclo dei materiali costituenti le batterie al piombo”] (Project leader: Prof. N. Arcuri – University of Calabria) (42 months)
  • ‘URBAID: rigenerazione urbana assistita e integrata’ – 2016-2018- (Project leader: Prof. ssa G. Grossi – University of Brescia)
  • PON “I-BEST: Innovative Building Envelope trough Smart Technology” Bando “HORJZON 2020” PON I&C 2014-2020, D.M 1 giugno 2016 – MiSE (Project leader: Prof. M. Maiolo – University of Calabria) (36 months).
  • National Project “ComESto‐Community Energy Storage” PON ricerca e innovazione 2014–2020 MIUR‐ARS01_01259 (Project Leader: Prof. Daniele Menniti – University of Calabria, Prof. Patrizia Piro RA leader – University of Calabria )
  • POR CALABRIA FESR-FSE 2014-2020 Asse 1 – Azione 1.1.5: “Tetti e orti pensili a “filiera corta” per la riqualificazione di edifici esistenti” (TOP FREE). CUP J29J21001760005. (Project leader: Prof. Patrizia Piro – University of Calabria ) (2021 – ongoing)
  • PRIN 2020: “ URCA! – Urban Resilience to Climate change: to Activate participatory mapping and decision support tool for enhancing the sustainable urban drainage  (Project Leader Prof Anna Palla – University of Genova, WP5 Leader Prof. Patrizia Piro – University of Calabria) (2022 – ongoing)
  • PNRR “Tech4You – Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement”,  CUP H23C22000370006, (Prof. Patrizia Piro leader of the following actions: Spoke 1 Goal 2 PP1 Action 6-8-10, Spoke 2 Goal 1 PP1 Action 11, Spoke 2 Goal 1 PP2 Action 2-3).

